FREE leaders live Webinar EVERY TUESDAY:
The Talk Show That Generates Business Through Community
Helping Business Leaders
Building Better Teams through the People Factor


You are more than you Think
WE ARE ALL living in rapidly changing times AND we will all be challenged to embrace the new emerging tech economy. 

And so, we all have to play a bigger game by turning to the people and team factor more than ever before! 

Therefore, Leaders Live supports those Business Leaders seeking to rise to this challenge. 
Leaders Live is building a community of like-minded folk as well as building better businesses. 

We want to bring a spirit of freedom, joy and fun through a feel good factor in our Businesses and all of our working lives. 

Our Motto is ‘I to the power of we’
Leaders Live Why is about growing a community of Business Leaders through easy to consume ‘edutainment’ and extraordinary conversations.

 And through these simple ideas we aim to make a difference - AND make the world better too.
About Leaders Live
 What people are saying…
Leaders live is upbeat, interactive and so inspiring to watch”.

“Leaders Live delivers fun and uplifting sessions consistently every week that leave me feeling motivated and work towards my goals!”

“Leaders Live is a great way to start the day. I have really found the varied topics to be very enjoyable, relevant, and very inspiring”

"Leaders Live is a vibrant, informative and accessible weekly show, broadcast live on various platforms, which certainly edutains me as a Business Owner”.

“Each week Leaders Live delivers a really lovely, refreshing extraordinary conversation, reminding us that we are all human, we should follow what we love.”

“Andrew’s Leaders Live channel is incredibly engaging, well presented, and covers relevant topics that leaders struggle with or perhaps haven’t thought about that will accelerate performance”.

We have been consistently delivering weekly shows now for over 

So we know what we are doing.

AND we are always evolving to bring you top quality information in a dynamic and engaging style.
Leaders Live is all about adding value to our business community through edutainment and infotainment. 

We are beginning the process of advancing Leaders Live as it’s own stand alone Business entity as a networking and lead generation Business for our community.

This is very exciting.

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