Unlock Your Business's Full Potential with the 
Social Selling Support Membership for LinkedIn

Discover the incredible value of Social Selling Support and How it can be your secret weapon for success. 

Learn and Grow on your own Time with Support!

Attention B2B Businesses, Sales and Marketing Professionals

Are you ready to harness the immense power of LinkedIn to drive exponential growth for your business? 
Welcome to
 Your Social Selling Support Membership

A Social Selling Support System is imperative for businesses and sales professionals.

With over 4.2 billion active social media users globally, harnessing the potential of these platforms is essential for expanding reach and building personalized relationships (Statista). 

These systems aid in lead generation by identifying and qualifying prospects while also streamlining content sharing and engagement tracking. They enhance efficiency and consistency, critical factors for trust-building, and can facilitate team collaboration in larger organizations.  

78% of salespeople who use social media outsell their peers (Forrester), highlighting the competitive advantage they offer in modern sales and marketing strategies.

This is your pathway to becoming a LinkedIn authority, connecting with high-value clients, and skyrocketing your revenue

 What is Social Selling?

Social selling is the ART of using social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn, to: 
✔️ Foster authentic relationships 
✔️ Showcase your expertise
✔️ Convert connections into clients. 

In today's digital landscape, social selling is not just a strategy –

 Why Our Social Selling Roadmap Support Program?

Our mission is to empower sales professionals and businesses, revolutionizing their approach to social selling. 

Our Social Selling Roadmap Support Program is a holistic solution including

✔️ Social Selling Support providing sales professionals and businesses with the necessary tools, strategies, and resources to leverage social media for sales and marketing purposes including guidance on optimizing social media profiles, identifying and engaging with potential leads, and using techniques to identify sales opportunities.

✔️ Coaching helping sales professionals and businesses refine their social selling skills, develop effective strategies,overcoming challenges, assessing performance, offering  constructive advice, adapting approaches to specific situations and is valuable for fine-tuning techniques.

✔️ Training masterclasses to equip sales professionals and businesses with the knowledge and skills required to excel and succeed. We cover a wide range of topics, including social media etiquette, content creation, effective communication, lead generation, and using social selling tools often delivered by industry leaders to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to navigate social selling effectively.

✔️ Mentoring focusing on weekly Q&A sessions offering a supportive environment for sales professionals and businesses to seek advice, discuss challenges, and receive valuable guidance for their social selling journey.

✔️ Community-building creating and nurturing a network or community of like-minded professionals to connect, collaborate, share best practices, and stay updated on the latest trends and tools. 

A Social Selling Roadmap Support Program is essential for businesses and sales professionals, revolutionizing the way businesses approach social selling including:

✔️ Increase Reach and to leverage social media platforms with billions of users to expand your reach far beyond what traditional sales methods can achieve.

✔️ Personalization to track and understand your prospects' interests, behaviors, and preferences.

✔️ Lead Generation to identify and qualify potential leads based on demographics, interests, and engagement levels.

✔️ Content Sharing to create, schedule and automate content ensuring a consistent and strategic approach.

✔️ Engagement Tracking helping you gauge the effectiveness of your social selling efforts.

✔️ Efficiency helping you to streamline social media time-consuming tasks making your efforts more efficient and productive.

✔️ Consistency to help you schedule posts and interactions, ensuring that you're always active and engaging with your audience.

✔️ Community Collaboration by allowing members to coordinate and share insights and information.

✔️ Scalability helping you to adapt to the increasing complexity of your social selling systems, strategies and tactics.

✔️ Competitive edge  by helping you stay ahead in terms of strategy, data analysis, and customer engagement.

Our Social Selling Roadmap Support System is an indispensable tools for modern sales and marketing efforts. 

Our goal is to keep our members at the cutting edge of social selling trends, with a particular focus on the LinkedIn platform.

With this comprehensive suite of tools and resources, you'll not only stay ahead of the curve but also supercharge your success in harnessing the power of LinkedIn to build relationships, generate leads, and drive sales more effectively and efficiently. 

We keep our members at the forefront of social selling trends giving you the keys to unlock your business's full potential

 Results You Can Expect

  • 35% Increase in Lead Generation: Start seeing tangible leads within the first two months of the program
  • Up to 50% Increase in Conversion Rates: Transform connections into clients with enhanced conversion strategies
  • 500+ New Relevant Connections: Build a powerful network that opens doors to endless opportunities
  • ​Become a Thought Leader: Gain recognition with an 85% increase in profile views and a 45% boost in connection requests
  • ​25% Average Revenue Increase: Witness real growth in your bottom line as a direct result of our coaching
  • Save 5 Hours per Week: Our strategies help you achieve better results in less time

 What Our Program Offers

  • Expert Coaching: Learn from the industry-leading certified expert with a proven track record in LinkedIn marketing and social selling
  • ​Tailored Strategies: We help you craft a personalized roadmap that aligns with your business goals and industry niche
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: From optimizing your profile to crafting compelling content, we cover it all
  • Interactive Workshops: Engage in live sessions, Q&A, and hands-on exercises for practical learning
  • ​​Weekly Masterclasses: Live masterclasses where industry experts and thought leaders will share invaluable insights, real-world experiences, and the latest trends in the world of social selling. 
  • Group Mentoring: Receive personalized guidance to address your unique challenges and opportunities
  • Training: Elevate your proficiency with LinkedIn's Sales Navigator tool. Discover how to harness its full potential to identify prospects, build meaningful relationships, and close deals more effectively. Plus any additional Training Program we develop and publish during your subscription you will gain access at no additional cost!
  • Exclusive Community: Join our private community of like-minded professionals for continuous support and weekly accountability in implementing your strategies and tactics.
  • ​​Slack & LinkedIn Group Support: Access our vibrant Slack or LinkedIn Group community, where you can engage with like-minded peers, share your wins, and seek advice. Our supportive network is here to offer encouragement and answers whenever you need them.
  • ​Social Selling Improvement: The Social Selling Roadmap Support Program has the potential to transform individuals and businesses by equipping them with the skills, resources, and support needed to excel in the digital age. From improving social selling skills to increasing lead generation and revenue, the program's comprehensive approach can yield substantial and sustainable results for its members.

 What You Will Get

  • Enhanced Social Selling Skills: Through comprehensive training and personalized coaching, program members can expect a substantial improvement in their social selling skills. This includes a deeper understanding of social media platforms, refined content creation abilities, advanced prospecting techniques, and proficiency in utilizing social selling tools.
  • ​Increased Lead Generation: With the knowledge and strategies gained from the program, members can significantly boost their lead generation efforts. They will learn how to identify and engage with potential leads effectively, leading to a higher volume of qualified prospects.
  • Improved Sales Conversions: As members become more adept at nurturing relationships and delivering targeted content, they can expect an increase in their conversion rates. This means more leads turning into loyal customers or clients.
  • Stronger Personal Branding: The program guides members in optimizing their social media profiles and building a compelling personal brand. This can result in improved visibility, credibility, and trust among their target audience.
  • Enhanced Networking Opportunities: Through the program's community-building initiatives and networking events, members can expand their professional network. This can lead to valuable partnerships, collaborations, and potential business opportunities.
  • ​Enhanced Networking Opportunities: Through the program's community-building initiatives and networking events, members can expand their professional network. This can lead to valuable partnerships, collaborations, and potential business opportunities.
  • ​Continuous Growth and Learning: The program's mentorship component ensures that members have access to experienced professionals who can provide ongoing guidance. This mentorship fosters long-term personal and professional growth.
  • ​Data-Driven Decision-Making: With access to metrics and analytics tools, members can make informed decisions about their social selling strategies. This data-driven approach leads to more effective and efficient efforts.
  • ​Increased Sales Revenue: Ultimately, the program's holistic approach to social selling, coupled with ongoing support and community engagement, can lead to a substantial increase in sales revenue. This may include larger deal sizes, higher customer retention rates, and an expanded customer base.
  • ​Adaptability to Market Changes: Through regular updates and insights on industry trends, program members can stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changes in social media algorithms and user behavior. This adaptability is crucial in the fast-paced digital sales landscape.
  • ​Professional Satisfaction: As members experience success and growth in their social selling endeavors, they often report higher levels of professional satisfaction and confidence in their abilities.
Ready to Transform Your LinkedIn Presence?

Your journey towards LinkedIn Social Selling success begins NOW!

Join the Social Selling Roadmap Support System and unlock the true potential of social media for your business growth

 Still have questions?

Who is Coach Tilly

Find a Guide, Find Success - Tilly Davies

Our founder, coach & trainer, Tilly Davies, is a veteran business professional with over 40 years Business Analysis, Information Technology, Customer Experience, Marketing and Sales experience PLUS a Certified LinkedIn Business Marketing Coach and a Certified B2B Marketer

Tilly uses her knowledge, expertise and experience gained in corporate to SMME organizations as well as setting up and successfully managing three (3) of her own businesses, to guide you to align your business and marketing processes, for success.

Tilly's Motto:
"To succeed in today's fast-paced and competitive market, it's not enough to just have a great product or service. You need to have effective, well-mapped out LinkedIn marketing processes in place to support your marketing efforts." 

We are driven towards your Success!  

Maximize your B2B business growth potential with LinkedIn as a 
customer centric marketing 
 Establish a professional community, build brand awareness, generate leads, and showcase products or services in a targeted and personalized way
 A Social Selling Roadmap Support System offering 
Online Coaching with Workbooks, Playbooks, Videos and More

Our 12 module online coaching program is designed to help you learn the ins and outs of LinkedIn social selling in a fraction of the time it would normally take. 

You’ll gain invaluable knowledge and experience in just weeks, setting yourself up for success in the social selling space while being seen, heard and understood on LinkedIn. 

(You can see a heap of extra revenue & profit coming for you consistently over the next year, starting TODAY!)

 LinkedIn Social Selling Roadmap Support 
Online Coaching Program
Secret #1: 
Understanding your business and mapping your Ideal Clients including their real wants and needs is the first step. 

This will help you to design, optimize and SEO your LinkedIn Profile, Page and Group.

It is important to prepare your LinkedIn Account as a relationship marketing funnel with CRM type functionality. 
Secret #2: 
Once you have identified your Ideal Clients and created an effective relationship marketing funnel with CRM type functionality, it is time to design outbound and inbound campaigns while learning how to manage your LinkedIn relationships, all while focusing on adding value to the interactions. 

Create a content and messaging strategy with the Content Roadmap and Message Templates provided. 

Additionally, follow the guides provided to start Lead Generation and Brand Awareness too! 

As part of this process really focus on learning how to build and manage a LinkedIn Community that engages with the content that you share. 
Secret #3: 
By following the guides provided it is then possible for you to start daily activities including engagement and managing conversations according to what interests/engages your target audience.

Learn how to use the Social Selling Index (SSI) as well as other LinkedIn analytics in order to troubleshoot any activities that may be performing below expectations or that need further optimization for greater success. 

Measurement and management are key when trying to maximize performance from any activity you undertake on LinkedIn so make sure that you develop an effective system for tracking these results! 

Finally, try crafting your messages in such a way that they contain more details, facts, higher semantic richness while also making them 50% longer than usual in order to better engage with potential prospects.
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 What you will Learn
  • Personal Branding – Profile Re-write
  • ​Business Branding – Page Re-write
  • ​Community Building – Group Setup and Management
  • ​Create 5-Step Marketing Strategy
  • ​Marketing ROI Table and Activity Alignment
  • ​LinkedIn Settings
  • ​LinkedIn Account Clean-up
  • I​ntroduction Campaign
  • ​Network growth campaign
  • ​Engagement campaign
  • ​Nurture Campaign
  • ​Sales Navigator Setup
  • ​Sales Navigator Marketing Funnel Setup
  • ​Messaging Strategy
  • Messaging Drafting and Sending
  • ​160+ Messaging Template
  • Content Profile Posts including Newsletter, Slideshows, Twitter Posts, Text (Long & Short Form)
  •  Content Page Posts  including Newsletter, Slideshows, Twitter Posts, Text (Long & Short Form)
  • ​Group Conversation posts
  • ​Ongoing content optimization
  • ​LinkedIn masterclasses via a Training Portal
  • ​Advanced guides and hacks for trouble shooting
  • ​Email, chat, phone support
  • ​Ongoing performance updates
  • ​Dedicated Account Manager
  • ​Weekly Account Management Meetings
  • ​Weekly Reporting with separate Lead Reports for follow-up


  • WhatsApp & Slack Support
  • LinkedIn Group Support
  • Membership Training Guide Portal
  • Shared Directory File Download and Training 
  • Dedicated MarketingCX LinkedIn Coach
  • Customised Guides specific to Business Requirements
  • Weekly progress evaluations and re-alignment


 LinkedIn Social Selling Roadmap Support Program
Weekly Masterclasses (Training)

We offer exclusive masterclasses conducted by industry leaders who have achieved remarkable success in the realm of social selling. 

These masterclasses are immersive experiences that delve deep into advanced strategies, cutting-edge tools, and proven techniques to help our members stay ahead of the curve.

 Is This You...?

The Social Selling Roadmap Support Program with LinkedIn Coaching, Mentoring, Training including Support and Guidance is for you!!

  • Struggling to generate leads and make sales online?
  • ​New to LinkedIn but not sure what to do?
  • Wasting time and money on LinkedIn training that still leaves you empty handed? 
  • ​Tired of trying to figure out LinkedIn and feeling completely floored and ignored?
  • Feeling alone and confused in your social selling  journey?
  • ​Missing support and finding answers that will work?
 The Social Selling Roadmap Support Program is 
For YOU If...
  • You are a business owner
  • ​You are a business leader
  • You are sales or marketing professional
  • You are building your brand
  • ​You want to save advertising costs
  • ​You want a positive return on time and effort investment
  • You want to create a long lasting pipe of qualified targeted leads
  • ​You're starting a business
  • You want to grow your business and increase sales
  • ​You want to capture an engaging LinkedIn follower base.
  • ​You  want to improve your profile and attract highly targeted leads
 The Proof is in the Results...

Stop wasting time and money on ineffective marketing strategies and tactics. 

Take the guesswork out of Social Selling and invest in yourself and your business Today! 

Your Social Selling Roadmap Support Program

Georgina Barrick - Network Contracting Solutions -a division of ADvTECH Resourcing

I have had the pleasure of using Tilly's expertise for the past 3 years . I stumbled across one of her webinars during lock down in 2020 and immediately reached out . She is incredibly knowledgeable about how LinkedIn works and the ever-changing algorithms. Over the past 3 years she has taught me how to engage new followers - produce interesting relevant content and produced leads that have turned into revenue for our business. Tilly is always available to her clients and I would have no hesitation in recommending her service to any business who wants to use LinkedIn as a business tool for growth

David Sand - 
Uwin Iwin International

My team and I did the most amazing and valuable LinkedIn skills development coaching course with Tilly and her team. We were always amazed by the practical and easy steps we could take to make significant improvements. I can highly recommend Tilly to assist with your LinkedIn efforts. Tilly is a great coach and has a very well researched and professional methodology to help get great results from LinkedIn.

Berdine Hugo 
Business Engineering (PTY) Limited

Tilly is a great mentor and LinkedIn expert. She found me when I was still only a waitress and gave me the chance to grow with her business. The journey was phenomenal.
I have learned and still am learning so much from Tilly.
She has the best methods to grow others' businesses and assist them during trying times to save their businesses through LinkedIn.
Therefore, if you are looking for a LinkedIn Expert to assist you with your business - LOOK NO FURTHER!
You are at the right place
Trusted by Thousand of Businesses, Just Like Yours
What others say...

Tilly has all the tips and tricks to really ignite your Linked In profile. She helps you to build a credible profile that will bring in more business. Her programme is highly recommended. Thanks Tilly - Virginie Nothard

If there's one thing I really admire about Tilly, it's her tenacity. She's organised, and one of the rare people that actually follows up on promises - a quality that seems so lacking on LinkedIn. All those years of experience means that she just "gets it." - Aki Kalliatakis

I highly recommend Tilly as a LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Specialist. Her training is next level in that it is practical, can be applied from day one and she shares the thinking behind why things should be done the way she recommends. I have seen instant results. I've also realised that working with LinkedIn is not a one hit wonder. You need to keep at it but the benefits are well worth it. I've done a few courses, but this has been the first one that stuck. - Gillian Kabe

With over 15 years LinkedIn experience my team and I, assisted over 5000 Business Executives and Owners to transform their  LinkedIn Accounts.

We setup your LinkedIn Profile positioning you as a Thought Leader. People buy from people they know, like, and trust!

Your LinkedIn Page will focus on positioning your business as a Brand Leader with a personality. People do not follow a business they follow a brand!

LinkedIn is the most powerful B2B Marketing Tool available today.

First impressions lasts. By not optimizing your LinkedIn Account Professional you will damage your personal and business brand.

Even more so using LinkedIn effectively will grow business and increase your annual revenue.

Getting leads that convert into clients have never been easier.

Tilly Davies

You’ll get the knowledge, skills, and guidance you need to Spike your Sales & Cash Flow...

Every Day Like Clockwork! 

Sign up now and get the support and guidance you need to start driving more leads, closing more deals, and building relationships that will last.

LinkedIn Coaching 
Social Selling Roadmap
Take the mystery out of how to grow your business with LinkedIn!
Want to make sales on LinkedIn Faster?
Need LinkedIn to be a client generator?
LinkedIn Supremacy
Marketing Strategy Makeover
You need a LinkedIn Marketing Strategy!
LinkedIn Supremacy focus on:
1. What your Business Offer
2. What your Ideal Client Wants
LinkedIn Recruitment
The Online Resume that Works!
The video series that will teach you everything you need to know to create an online job application that will be seen and heard.

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